
Red Raider E-Readiness

Here are some ideas to prepare you and your students for learning at home. We are in this together! 

First, please remember that you do not need to recreate your child’s school schedule to be successful at home. These are only some suggestions to make for an easier transition. 

Set realistic goals - Have a family meeting and set realistic goals of what can be accomplished in a day. Let kids be a part of the decision-making and try to do something fun after your school session.

Create a structure - Create a routine and try to stick to it, but allow some flexibility. Most kids work off a schedule in their classrooms, so recreating something similar at home can ease the transition to a different learning environment for the foreseeable future.

Establish a place of learning- Create an area in the house for your child to be able to focus on learning. Find a place in your home where you and/or your student can focus. Create a space free from little distractions.  
Turning the TV off and switching off app notifications will help.

Come to class prepared - Go to the bathroom and grab anything you need before lessons begin. Have your kids pack up their materials into a basket or book bag so they can put them aside when they're finished.

Build-in Recess - Take frequent breaks and encourage children to go outside

Contact teachers and use online resources for difficult lessons - Don’t know how to do something or feel confused about a lesson? Ask a question!  Your teachers are a quick email away and will have established office hours to reply to your concerns or questions.

Be forgiving of yourself, your kid, and your kid's teacher. Everyone is working through this "new normal." All we are asking for is for everyone to TRY! Your family and mental health should always come first. If it's really going to cause severe emotional distress for everyone involved- take a break for the day. No matter what learning at home looks like for your child, remember that what works best for your family is what matters most. ~CCAP